yoga plays an important role in our daily lives and makes yoga as a part of life, you can solve your own problems by trying different yoga poses for different health issues even we don't need a doctor if we are following yoga asanas. Firstly we are discussing Tree pose, This pose is also referred as Vrikshasana it is one of the difficult poses compare to other asanas when we're are performing these pose it looks like a tree.Tree Pose Yoga for Body asana it is a standing balancing posture and it is helpful for people who suffer from deformities of the spine and weakness of legs, shoulders and mild giddiness.
Benefits of Tree Pose yoga
- This tree pose is beneficial for those people who are suffering from arthritis of joints of upper and lower extremities, weakness of legs and it strengthens the knees and loosens the hip joints and also helps in neuro-muscular coordination and deepens the thorax.,it stretches the legs, back, arms and chest muscles and also it strengthens the thighs, groins appropriately.
- Tree pose calms and relax the central nervous system and heals rheumatic pain and also improves numbness those who have knees problem perform it and it relieves muscular spams as well as easing built up the tension.
- It intensifies the flexibility of legs, back and chest muscles and makes your ankle stronger and strengthen the bones of the hips, builds self-confidence and esteem, it also helps human vertebral column, thigh, calf.
How to Do Tree Pose yoga
- Firstly we go for standing position, weight is shifted to one leg, for example, starting with left leg.The entire sole of the foot remains in contact with the floor press sole of the foot on the calf or inner thigh of standing leg, avoid the knee joint.
- shoulders are relaxed and away from ears, hands can be above head or hips or out to the side, hips are even, press thigh into the foot and press foot into the thigh, kneecap lifts to activate thigh.
- Activate core try not go back, the eye should be gaze level, press evenly into all four corners of standing foot, this pose is typically held for 20 to 60 seconds to stretch the spine, returning to pose while exhaling, then repeating standing on the opposite leg.
Note: Avoid this if you have knees are any health issues before doing consult yoga expert.
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